Writer Services

In addition to my own writing, I love helping other authors develop their work into the best it can be. I’d love to work with you! I am a seasoned author in many different fields such as journalism, marketing, sci-fi, horror, and of course, my genre of choice, sapphic romance. My books have been in the top 10 on Amazon for the Lesbian Romance and Lesbian Erotica categories, and many of my works have remained in the top 100 of those categories for months. My books have generated over 550,000 Kindle Unlimited page reads and over 800 paid sales in 2024 alone. I have worked with authors to help develop their stories and get to the heart of what works and doesn’t work in their books. My rates for this are variable based on many factors, so please contact me if you are interested in purchasing consulting time with me.

Developmental Editing

I love to consult with writers about their work in progress to help them in developing it into a book that will wow audiences and satisfy readers.

By purchasing developmental editing from me, I will evaluate your work from a “big picture” perspective and consult with you on large-scale issues like pacing, POV, structure, prose style, characters, dialogue, and many other things.

Please note this is not line editing or copy editing. Due to my schedule, I cannot provide this very detail-oriented work to other authors. I will probably note any glaring issues in the manuscript that I notice, but I cannot go line-by-line through a manuscript. There are many other wonderful editors that offer this service, and I would encourage you to contact them for detailed editing.

Cover Design

They say to never judge a book by its cover, but in reality readers (and myself) do it all the time! A good cover design can make an amazing first impression with a potential reader…or, a bad cover design can cause a potential reader to not even bother with what might be an utterly captivating book.

I have designed all of the covers of my books, and have had many readers express their love of the designs. I would be so very excited to help you with your cover design at any level, from general design consultation all the way to a full layout and design for ebook and paperback.

I use Canva and DepositPhotos for stock assets that are cleared for commercial use, and I do my best to ensure any designs I make are compliant with copyright and licensing guidelines.That being said, with constantly shifting ownership and terms of service changes, I cannot guarantee the designs I provide will not come under copyright scrutiny. This is unfortunately a risk for any indie author, and if I provide you with a design, you assume all liability for the work. That being said, if you do run into copyright or licensing issues on a cover I design, please contact me and I will see if I can help with the situation.

A final note: I do not use AI art for image generation and will not assist in design or layout if an author wants to use AI-generated art for a cover design.

Book Formatting

A professional-looking manuscript is such a valuable tool to attract and keep readers, and an otherwise amazing story can be quickly sunk by things like poor formatting, inconsistent paragraph spacing, or incorrect chapter breaks.

I can take your finished manuscript and get it into fighting shape, and then provide it to you in a variety of formats, for both ebook and print.

Please note, as with developmental editing above, this is not a detailed line-by-line editing or formatting. I will need a finished manuscript from you to proceed with formatting, or if the manuscript you submit is not ready for final formatting, I can give you notes on what needs to change before it is publication-ready.